I’m not very good with my business accounting but every year I vow to be more conscientious. I save (most of) my receipts and try to keep them organized in monthly envelopes. I should tally the expenses each month but I don’t. Instead, at the end of the year (or first part of the next), I figure out the expenses and the revenues all at once and hope for good news. I will not be able to retire on this income but overall, this hobby (as defined by the IRS) does pay for itself. To all of you with any interest in my work, thank you. Looking forward to 2016!
Spent TOO much time on this design but finally got it more or less the way I wanted. The recycled elements are wheel spoke nipples–3 are from bicycles, the larger one is from a small motorcycle. My next event is Sunday Dec 6 @ Hotel Phillips in downtown Kansas City.
I made this necklace a few years ago. It hardly gets any lookers at shows. I have re-designed several times. Here we go again.
My latest show was just this past weekend–E’Ville Indie in Edwardsville, IL. Since it has a Halloween vibe, I wanted to make a piece that would suit the mood. I’ve seen the flying skull motif in a variety of settings–the cemeteries in New England and rockabilly/hot rod events use the image. My version is on the right.