
Flatware Abuse Continues

Here are my latest creations using miscellaneous silver plate flatware. I stumbling upon the idea of using spoons as the source for making cloud shapes. There is still a learning curve on the design but even the “mistakes” are interesting.

Spoon cloud pendants and pie server cloak pin

Spoon cloud pendants and pie server cloak pin

28 Aug 2016

Another Art-o-mat Detour

Recently went to the east coast, we made a detour to Winston-Salem, NC, command central of Art-o-mat and home of creator Clark Whittington. I have been thinking about hosting a ‘mat. I did not want to commit to hosting duties until I understood what is involved to maintain the machine and extra stuff involved with managing it and dealing with locations. I’m really glad I made the pilgrimage. Upon further reflection, I know my limitations and hosting is a bigger commitment than I want to make. I will be content to be an artist and patron. Here are my latest acquisitions.

15 May 2016

Art Detour

I’m not much of a “joiner” but did join a local art group this year. They are organizing a “mail art” event.  I looked online to see samples. A lot of  it looks likes doodles you make while on hold for tech support. Some are quite elaborate. I chose to ignore the usual presentation of just decorating a standard envelope and did my own thing. The art will be randomly distributed after the event.

20 Mar 2016

3 from 2

Great find from estate sale-6 silver plate appetizer (?) forks.  I’m digging the asymmetrical tines. From 2 forks, cut out 3 pair of earrings- good return on investment.

Two appetizer forks, three pair of earrings

Two appetizer forks, three pair of earrings

20 Jan 2016

Week One 2016-Creative Output

Now that the holiday fog has cleared, I have the urge to get back to de-greasing and wire bending.  Here are the results.

3 pair earrings, partial bracelet

3 earring pairs and partial bracelet

10 Jan 2016
theme by teslathemes