Category: What’s the Latest?!?

End of the Year Wrap Up-still in the black!

Here’s 2016 summary.This was an off year due to rotator cuff repair in May.  The rehab went well but it was slow and frustrating.

I participated in nine events this year-a little less than last year.  I returned to the marketplace in June with Maker Faire which was great. I ended the year with the Recycle Santa Fe Art Fest in Dec.  I participated in new events-Summit Art Fest and Kansas City Comicon.  I did not make the cut for Art Westport-probably a combo of weak photos of my work and new management/judges. I’m planning to apply for 2017. My work is in transition-using more flatware, less bike parts.

My booth arrangement keeps evolving-going lean and clean. I’m slow and fussy about my set up but breaking down is much faster.

There were other diversions this year including a pilgrimage to North Carolina to check out  Art-o-mat headquarters. So cool. I won’t be hosting a machine but I am proud to be an “Artist in Cellophane”.

Looking forward 2017.

Shop Small Sat after Thanksgiving

Biz Baz booth detail

01 Jan 2017

Something New

This is my method: first there is an idea, then I try to execute the idea which causes a creative detour resulting in something else all together. This pendant is such an example. I wanted to make a sunburst design but that did not go as expected. Rather than scrap the whole thing, I salvaged the outer rim of the spoon and let my imagination figure out how to fill it.

28 Aug 2016

What Did You Do Over the Summer?

I got off to a SLOW start this year due to rotator cuff repair in May.  I’m doing very well and have been making up for lost time.  I’ve done four! shows starting in June–Marker Faire, Pleasant Hill car show, Whole Person Jubilee, and Kansas City ComicCon. Maker Faire was by far the most successful but I still had fun at the others.

28 Aug 2016

Flatware Abuse Continues

Here are my latest creations using miscellaneous silver plate flatware. I stumbling upon the idea of using spoons as the source for making cloud shapes. There is still a learning curve on the design but even the “mistakes” are interesting.

Spoon cloud pendants and pie server cloak pin

Spoon cloud pendants and pie server cloak pin

28 Aug 2016

Another Art-o-mat Detour

Recently went to the east coast, we made a detour to Winston-Salem, NC, command central of Art-o-mat and home of creator Clark Whittington. I have been thinking about hosting a ‘mat. I did not want to commit to hosting duties until I understood what is involved to maintain the machine and extra stuff involved with managing it and dealing with locations. I’m really glad I made the pilgrimage. Upon further reflection, I know my limitations and hosting is a bigger commitment than I want to make. I will be content to be an artist and patron. Here are my latest acquisitions.

15 May 2016
theme by teslathemes