Here’s what I’ve been doing lately. I should be focusing on smaller items for the Recycle Santa Fe event in a WEEK! Instead I’ve been obsessed with these belts made from bike chain. I’ve made these three,so I think I’ve got it out of my system for now. I do like them but they use up a lot of links in the process. Back to the basement to bust up more chain. If you are in the Sante Fe area, the show is Dec 5,6,7–please visit.
There is a fabulous hardware store in Kansas City–Harry Epstein’s at 8th & Central. What a great store–much more than hardware. They have tools, hardware and military surplus from all over the world. They have a cache of vintage military flatware (mostly forks) from WWI. They are big and clunky–probably awful for eating but great for other purposes.
First thing I thought of when I saw the fork with the hole in the handle was how cool it could be as a bracelet. The steel proved to be quite stout and actually brittle- I broke off one tine and the tip off another. This bracelet requires a strong grip to manage the clasp and a small wrist to wear it.
Second inspiration came from the upcoming centennial celebration of Kansas City’s Union Station which happens to be located just north of the Nation World War I Museum. The pendant is cut from the fork handle. The red crystals represent poppies from Flanders Field (read the poem).
Finally,with the Halloween season soon upon us, it seemed like the orphaned fork tine and a decapitated fork would be appropriate for more sinister adornment. I made a fang-like pendant and earrings.
I’m doing a little tweek to this blog site and my overall business look, etc. I’m adding “ART” to the the name and web site. After doing minimal “googling” of “pilot valve” and “pilot valve art” it would appear that search results for my work vastly improves by adding “ART”. So there you have it. I’m an artist and I’m sticking to it. Many thanks to my tech support–Jeff and Ben.
So looking forward to next show Sept 5, 6 & 7 in Kansas City–Art Westport. All KC area artists. Great show. I’ll be booth #60.
I’m getting some local (Kansas City) digital ink.
Here are two recent interviews.