Archive: June, 2014

Maker Faire 2014

Once again I’m playing catch up on my events.  I was a vendor at the Maker Faire Kansas City-June 28 & 29.  For those of you not familiar with this event, it’s organized by the the people who put out the “Make” magazine. The event is full of people who are passionate about science/engineering/hacking/making. Amongst all the participants on all levels there are robot agility competitions (high school teams), make-up special effect creators, sci-fi cos play, electric cars, and 3D printers are EVERYWHERE! As usual, a fun event. I was located in the “Made in Kansas City” room. The makers/inventors/artists were amazing. Great crowds. I honored with (2) blue ribbons as a “Maker of Merit”. Thank you Maker Faire!!!

Maker Faire Kansas City 2014

View from the balcony

Booth space

Pilot Valve booth space at Maker Faire 2014

Blur Ribbon-Maker of Merit

2 Maker of Merit blue ribbons

30 Jun 2014
theme by teslathemes